Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Promising The Moon

Promising The Moon
I've spent the past two glorious weeks....blissfully painting Promising The Moon.
Despite all my very best intentions to periodically paint "just for myself", without art direction or for a particular simply slosh about in paint, layering glaze after glaze of transparent color to my heart's content, drawing whatever pleases me with no  thought towards inner or outer art directors or trends or purpose...I have failed miserably and fill all my time.. working on projects...never seeming to find the few hours...let alone weeks to play and see what reveals this was a treat.

 Now, let me say, I love my work and I am filled with enormous gratitude that I am able to spend my life in being a full time working artist/illustrator, everyday. Every single day I am thankful beyond measure for this gift....for all the special and wonderful art directors and authors and clients that I have worked with in the past and am working with now.

  There is an "I can't wait to jump out of bed and run to the drawing board" kind of glee that is particularly awesome in painting something for absolutely no reason at all...just for the unabashed happiness of it.  That's what went into this painting...that and love.

Oh...and Promising will be going to Surtex,  artlicensing's  booths, #s 705 and 707! Maybe it will end up being a puzzle or something else, after all. I would love to paint eleven more for a calendar.


"I Believe In Genevieve" by Jenny Craig, published by Regnery, will be out this Fall, in late September but is up on Amazon and Barnes & Noble etc already.
 I love painting horses!

More soon!