Sunday, April 21, 2013

Tortilla Dreams

...feeling like what I imagine a seed must feel like in rich, loamy soil...warmed by the Spring sunshine and softened by the rain...above ground it looks like nothing much is going on, when seemingly all of a sudden, a sliver of achingly tender baby green leaf peeks out, brilliant against the chocolate cake crumbly dark.
  That's me, I'm that little seed.

 I'm starting a new picture book. Pictures for this plummy bedtime book full of sweetness on the inside, in my head, under the surface but outside I just finished painting this little piece of my first dog, Daisy. 
     When we lived in Michoacan there was a tortilleria down the street where everyday a woman made fresh, hot corn tortillas and Daisy adored them...warm, unadorned...gulp. I wrote a story called "The Cajeta Colored Dog Who Loved Tortillas"...this is the final painting from the story, Daisy, after her adventures at the end of a long day, dreaming of tortillas.

Daisy Dreaming Tortilla Dreams

 More about progress on the new book soon...when the first true leaves have come...on the outside.

Also, I created a brand new website for myself ( thank you Wix! )...finally!  Same address as the old one, Wendy Edelson dot com but now, hoooray hooray, I can update it and add/subtract whatever I want, whenever I want. Go see, I hope you enjoy it...and thank you.

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